Contact our office
2425 W. Veterans A-2
Vandalia, IL 62471
Ph: (618) 283-4676
Fax: (618) 283-4662
Compass West, Inc.
Ranch or retreat...we finance!

100% Land Loans
Have you found your dream land but having trouble with the financing? Give us a call. Compass West, Inc. assists farmers, ranchers hunters and investors in purchasing Southern Illinois acreage.
As a prospective land buyer you know that having cash available for a down payment can be problematic. Under the best of circumstances a lender will require 20% cash or equity as a downpayment for the purchase. On a $100,000.00 purchase that requirement could be $20,000.00, regardless of your credit. That makes buying acreage unaffordable for many people.
Compass West, Inc. may have a solution for your financing needs, a down payment loan. Let us finance the down payment. We can offer funding for up to 20% of the purchase price. This allows you to obtain conventional financing at your designated lender. We can also refer an area lender.
Funding is available for farm, ranch and recreational land 30 acres and larger, located in Southern Illinois. No residences including site erected houses, mobile homes, pole barn homes, etc. are permitted on the land while under loan. Other conditons apply.
For more information or to discuss your specific needs, contact Tom York at 618-267-4673 or email tyork@icompass.us.