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Meadow Brooke

Directions From Thompsonville:

From Thompsonville, intersection of Hwy 34 and Thompsonville Blacktop, go South on Thompsonville Blacktop 3 miles to Kimmel Rd. Turn left (east) and go 2 miles to the “T”, go right ½ mile. Road will curve left into Kraatz Road. Go ½ mile and look for signs.

Address:  Thompsonville, IL

School District:  174 Thompsonville UD - Franklin Co. & Saline Dist 1 - Williamson Co.


Nothing has been more popular, or has sold out faster than our properties south of Thompsonville.  Do no loose out!  Beautiful 5+/- acre ranch sites perfect for horses, houses and healthy living.

Call Tom at 618-267-4673 for more information.

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